My Bengali New Year in Washington

Their beloved poet Rabindranath Tagore was quoted, and the paintings of renowned Bangladeshi painter Zain Ul Abideen were reminisced about. My friend and I, being Pakistani, were egged on to…

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Caught That Yellow Fever. Not!

“They’re not even like real men, Ava! They’re all hairless under their shirts. Come on! It’s gross!” I remember zipping my lips shut right after my mate yipped that particularly distasteful ‘observation’ at me,..

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The Consistency of Change

Do you ever feel like you have an alter ego for each city you go back to? I know Nashville changed me, I learned lessons here I’ve never learned anywhere else and I hope that those stay with me when I move…

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Adulthood Across Three Continents

In places like East Pakistan (before it became Bangladesh), Kuwait, and Sierra Leone there just weren’t that many expat families…

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Learning To Be a Diplomatic Mum

Imagine the chaos of the first few years: Romanian, German and English mixed together in a way that it took us sometimes minutes to realize what exactly it was that our own children were trying to tell us…

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Webcams and Red Wine

If sharing our personalities, sharing our music and cultures, and celebrating our differences and diversity are the most beautiful and connective forms of interaction, then what difference does it make that we are not physically together when we do this?…

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