Water Hopper

Teardrop, green,
Granular sand,
Warm grey driveways,
Skinned knees and hands.

Dusty homes,
Face paint and sets,
The sand is dry,
But never forgets.

Swooping roads,
Beams of steel,
Cold undercurrents,
Question what’s real.

Round fields,
Under the stars,
Farmhouse pancakes,
School seminars.

Strict shirts,
Long corridors,
With shoulders back,
I cross the floors

Old theatres,
Laneway bars,
Walking the Yarra,
Boys and their cars.

Double tongues,
Large bright lights,
Now I explore,
Devouring sights.

Pen in hand,
Colour and shapes,
Hot city coffee,
Clean netscapes.

Water Hopper,
Keeps keeping on.
Lines of my story,
Still being drawn.