Posts tagged celebration
Monteverdean Skies

I am celebrating my 27th birthday zip-lining along the emerald enclaves of Costa Rica that strangely remind me of the yawning valleys of my own tiny Lebanese chouf village...

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Our Newest Theme

Welcome to our latest theme!

We've been through a roller-coaster of bravery, fear, halal snack packs and ancient Pakistani tea houses over the last few weeks. It may sounds strange, but it was all part of the plan: this month, each writer's piece is inspired by an article that has been published with us before.

We are passionately curious about uncovering new links between us and we're confident our February discoveries won't disappoint.

We hope you enjoy our latest stories as much as we've loved writing them!


Ava Senaratne
(From Sri Lanka, Dubai & Australia. Living in Melbourne)

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All Is Fair In Love And War

One ‘wedding success’ metric - and an indicator of societal-actualization - is how many events you can throw. Rather than having a single event (fewer events would require fewer hours of mental strain – which reach levels akin to that of interrogation methods utilized by intelligentsia), you have events in multiples of 3 or 4...

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